EU Residency

An example of a Residencia card

If you move to Spain from another EU member state then the process of obtaining residency is straightforward. This also includes those born in the UK who now have an Irish passport.

Your spouse or children can apply under the same terms even if they have UK passports, but would receive a TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero) card (Non EU).

Extranjería request you to:

  • Accredit your income, savings or pensions (and provide sworn translations)
  • Accredit healthcare - private or state
  • Official confirmation of address in Spain
  • Copy of personal identification documents such as passport & NIE certificate*
  • Application form and tax form with tax paid for the issue of the card before attending the appointment

 *If you do not have an NIE number before applying for residency then Extranjería will assign a number as part of the residency application. In this instance you do not receive a separate NIE certificate but the NIE number is shown on the Residency card.

EU Residency cards are issued the same day as the application is made.

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